Leadership & Staff

HCCADA Leadership

Abigail Moore, SACADA CEO

Abigail G. Moore
Chief Executive Officer

Abigail Moore has been a force in the nonprofit sector for more than 20 years, working in the Substance Use and Mental Health field. She received her Bachelors Degree from Texas Tech University in 1998 and worked for the Lubbock Regional Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse before relocating to San Antonio in 2003 (which she loves and now calls home). Abigail received a Master Degree from UTSA in 2006 and joined the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness (SACADA) that same year. During her tenure as CEO with the agency she has increased the budget by 400% and staff size has tripled. Under her leadership the agency has expanded services from 1 county to 26 counties. In February 2022 the Hill Country Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Board of Directors voted to accept Mrs. Moore to become the CEO for the agency and to transfer governance to the SACADA Board of Directors. The merging efforts of these two agencies will ensure that the full continuum of care is provided jointly.

Her affiliations are many and represent the true nature of her work: building community through strong leadership. She is the current President for the Texas Association of Addiction Programs (ASAP). She serves on the Advisory Board of the Criminal Justice Advisory Council at the Alamo Area Council of Government. She has continued her community involvement through organizations such as The Nonprofit Council, Excel Beyond the Bell, The Center for Young Minds, United Way Emerging Leaders and the Bexar County Opioid Taskforce (2018). Her experience and expertise in marketing, fundraising, event planning, management, and public relations have become a source of inspiration and encouragement to the vast number of individuals she has invested in through mentoring. Abigail was honored by the Texas Association of Addiction Professions for her work as a leader in the Field as the Prevention Professional of the Year (2017).

Chief Operating Officer

Velda Schalk - Development Director

Velda Schalk
Development Director

Velda Robles Schalk began as the Development Director for the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness in 2016. Velda attended Texas Tech University. She began her career in fundraising, grant writing, and event planning in 2003 at St. James Episcopal School in Corpus Christi and was there for 10 years before moving to Louisville, Kentucky.  She served as the Development Director for LifeSpring Health Systems/LifeSpring Foundation of Indiana for 2-1/2 years. She now oversees all aspects of development and marketing for SACADA.

Diana Boone

Diana Boone
Recovery Services Director

Diana Boone has been with the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness since September 2015. She graduated with a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Texas A&M International University in 2012 and worked with the university for 7 years. Since then she has worked in different programs with the council and is now the Adult Services Director.

Andrea Salazar

Andrea Salazar
Youth Prevention Director

Andrea Salazar began working in the substance abuse prevention field since 2001. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Illinois State University, in Normal Illinois in 1998. Andrea moved to San Antonio in 2007 and began working with the Prevention Resource Center- Region 8 as the Community Outreach Specialist. She became the Development Coordinator in May 2014 and was very involved with the organization’s social media. Since 2016, she has been the Youth Prevention Associate Director for the Hill Country Region. She works closely with local school districts, coalitions and other community agencies by providing presentations on drugs of concern in and around South Texas. Andrea has a passion for prevention; she loves to give parents the knowledge and skills they need to help their children make healthy choices. Andrea is an Advanced Certified Prevention Specialist.


Debbie Taylor, Office Manager

Gloria Solis, Human Resources



Lizbeth Garcia, Marketing Specialist


Youth Prevention

Phil Taylor, Prevention Program Coordinator

Valerie Negrete, Youth Prevention Specialist

Intervention, Recovery, and Treatment

Pauline Poff, LCDC, CCJAP, ADC III, CPS, MA – Program Director

Donney Vanblaricum, Recovery Support Peer Specialist, Program Coordinator

Abby Filyaw, Recovery Coach

Brain Daves, Recovery Advocate


Education and Training

Susan Brown, Education Specialist