Outpatient Treatment

Adult Supportive Outpatient Treatment is individual and group therapy for individuals struggling with substance abuse issues and their families. One of our goals at HCCADA is to keep the families together while their loved ones are successfully going through treatment. That is what Supportive Outpatient Treatment provides: the opportunity to heal not only the individual affected by addictions, but also their families by allowing the individual to still work and meet other family obligations and participate in treatment simultaneously.

To determine the most effective counseling or treatment, you will receive a thorough clinical assessment at your first visit. Fortunately, this assessment is covered by most insurance plans. You can come alone or have your family accompany you. Based on that assessment, we will recommend the best course of treatment, which may include individual, family, or group counseling by our therapists. We also accept Medicaid and numerous other insurance plans.

  1. HCCADA’s 16-week adult outpatient treatment program is designed for persons actively involved in chemical dependency.
    In our individualized program, HCCADA utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches (CBT) a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the connection between thoughts and actions. HCCADA also utilizes Motivational Interviewing (MI) which is a client-centered counseling style and set of techniques employed by our counselors and peer coaches to influence behavior and foster intrinsic motivation.We follow the 10 Guiding Principles of Recovery (*Many Pathways, *Hope, *Peer Lead, *Culture, *Strength, *Person Centered, *Holistic, *Relational, *Address Trauma, *Respect). **Created by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. department of Health and Human Services at the federal level.
  2. Individuals needing treatment can receive counseling and support without having to take time off from work, leave their families, or enter a residential treatment center.
    Family members play an important role in entire recovery program, learning what addiction is and how they can be a support system for their loved one(s). This is a family disease affecting all of society and the world.

The referral specialist will assist you in completing Medicaid applications and assist your family members in locating free medical assistance, mental health services for co-occurring diagnoses, and referrals for monetary help to pay for rent, utility bills, food, and clothing.

Additionally, HCCADA will connect you with our Recovery Coaches (at no cost to you) to help with other recovery services like recovery housing, AA and other supportive groups navigation, employment, and fun recovery activities in your community.

Outpatient treatment involves a series of weekly counseling session comprised of 5 hours of therapy: two 2-hour group sessions and one 1 individual counseling session. Outpatient treatment features lectures as well as group therapy, utilizing “Best Practices.” Treatment continues until you have mastered basic skills for self-care and constant recovery. Your therapist will assist you in developing a strong discharge/recovery plan before your last session.

The outpatient treatment group meet on Mondays and Tuesdays from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm., with some adjustments for holidays. Most often, you’ll be in outpatient for 16 weeks, but this can vary in length depending on your individual needs.

For those who have completed the outpatient treatment program, or who need a little extra help outside the full program, HCCADA offers a 16-week counseling support program called Genesis. This program is provided by licensed counselors utilizing evidence-based models that support sustainable recovery.

Because addiction has far-reaching effects on family members, friends, and co-workers, HCCADA’s Outpatient Treatment program takes pride in its ability to assess your situation and assist your family members in serving as a support system. HCCADA’s outpatient treatment program helps create the network of support and understanding that is so important to complete recovery for the entire family.

Are You Ready to Get Well?

To schedule an outpatient screening appointment, come by and fill out the outpatient registration form, and bring with you:

  • Your photo ID,
  • Proof of insurance

We will call you to set up an appointment.

Financial assistance may be available. (Limited based on eligibility).